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Current Position: Home > Business Overview > Integrated Marketing

Internet Technology Limited Company focuses on the web products, computer software development and sales, and technical services; corporate management information consultancy; marketing for real estate industry; agent service for real estate; economic information consultancy for real estate; property management; advertising service including design, produce, agency and launch.

With our competitiveness and strong technical service from Fangke website, we fully strengthen on integrated marketing, marketing for real estate and property management. The Fangke website as the key pilot project, further expands the cooperation with clients with integrated service.

Moreover, our subsidiary company Shifang Health Technology Limited Company focuses on the key concern of the public – Health. For example, following the introduction of advertising regulations by the central government on the medical and medicine industry in 2010 which places certain restrictions on the content of healthcare and medical advertisements, we have aggressively refined and rationalised our resources with the support of our long-standing advertising customers, readers and partners. Our initiative began in Fuzhou, Fujian where we have established strategic cooperation with experts from public hospitals to serve readers by publishing health advice, consultation and features, thereby transforming newspaper advertisements into interactive materials between experts and readers, and provided policy-oriented solutions to advertisers at the same time. Currently, we have launched cooperation with 10 public hospitals in Fuzhou, Fujian province.

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